Tech Mansion Content Quality Checklist

Checklist ItemCriteriaChecked
Research and RelevanceWell-researched with credible sources Relevant to the target audience and their interests
OriginalityUnique content Free from plagiarism (Checked with Copyscape or another tool)
SEO OptimizationRelevant keywords included naturally Optimized meta tags, descriptions, and titles compelling, concise meta description
ReadabilityEasy to read and understand Checked with Hemingway Editor for complex sentences and readability Clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points
Grammar and StyleFree of grammatical and spelling errors Checked with Grammarly Adheres to editorial guidelines
EngagementEncourages reader interaction (e.g., questions, comments, polls) Includes calls-to-action
VisualsRelevant images, infographics, or videos Properly sourced and credited visuals
Structure and FlowLogically structured with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion Smooth content flow from one point to the next
Fact-CheckingDouble-checked facts and statistics for accuracy Properly cited sources
Final ReviewReviewed and approved by an editor Ready for publication without further revisions
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