It turns out that Apple is making older phones slower in performance. The question remains, why? Just a few days ago, Apple released the iPhone 16 Series that seemed to be the first stable iOS 18. While the iOS 18 brings new features to the latest iPhones, it is also said to reduce the performance across other Apple devices.

According to the reports of Geekerwan in a YouTube Video, he claimed that he noticed a 3.6% reduction in the performance and speed between iOS 17 and iOS 18. This is even more vivid with an increased percentage of 3.9% reduction difference in iPhone 15 Pro Max.
In reference to Geekbench’s analysis report it suggests that Apple modified the CPU performance and abilities in iOS 18 when compared to the former iOS 17. This means that an iPhone with the later would be approximately 30% slower than the former.
The reason for this is yet unclear. While some would say that a new phone comes with new changes and modifications, others would claim that is a ploy to get users purchase latest models of the iPhone every year.

Closing Thoughts on the iOS 18 Debate
The old saying would go, “Out with the old, In with the new’. While iOS 18 would bring more exciting features, older iPhones may find itself trying to keep up. In this circumstance, Apple may not be intentionally slowing down the long in the tooth iPhones, the reality is that newer softwares do demand a more powerful hardware. The decision is left for you, remember that the march of progress waits for no one, and not even the beloved iPhones of yesteryears!