How to Protect your Phone from Internet Fraudsters in Nigeria

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Smartphones are now an essential tool that has encased itself into almost every individual’s lifestyle globally in the present day digital era. They contain personal data, help in communication, and give the possibilities to enter different services available on the Internet. But this has been made easier through the internet and the disadvantage is that it exposes one to internet frauds. 

How to Protect your Phone from Internet Fraudsters in Nigeria

Internet fraud is on the increase in Nigeria hence the reason why you have to know how to protect your phone from fraudsters. To help you effectively protect your phone from Internet fraudsters in Nigeria below is an explained and easy to follow guide.

Step 1: Use Strong Passwords and Biometrics

  • Strong Passwords

Password in question is the key to the first barrier of protection against unauthorized access. This section of the password should be formed with the help of a combination of the uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. For Nigerian mobile security tips, do not use your birthdays, names of the places you have lived before, frequent words or names of people you know.

  • Create Complex Passwords: Your password should be at least 12 characters for it to be secure.
  • Avoid Reusing Passwords: Do not use the same password for two accounts or, in other words, do not reuse passwords.
  • Change Passwords Regularly: To increase phone security in Nigeria, it will be advisable to change the passwords from time to time.
  • Biometrics

Almost all the smartphones in use today support Biometric authentication for instance the finger print scanning and face ID. The above methods protect mobile from fraud since it has backup precautionary features.

  • Enable Fingerprint/Face Recognition: Only if the phone supports it, set up fingerprint or/and face identification.
  • Combine Passwords with Biometrics: It is good practice to Incorporate the use of username and passwords, nevertheless biometrics should be used together with passwords to protect your phone from Internet fraudsters in Nigeria.

Step 2: Make Sure Your Software Is Up to Date

Updating your software often is one of the ways you protect your phone from Internet fraudsters in Nigeria.

  • Enable Automatic Updates: Ensure your phone operating system and all the installed applications are on the auto-update settings.
  • Check for Updates Manually: If auto updates are not on, check periodically for updates.
  • Update Apps Regularly: Install all available updates to all the apps that are on the devices.

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Step 3: Step 3: Install Reliable Security Software

Anti-viruses, as well as other security applications, can help a person shield his or her phone from virus attacks and phishing schemes.

  • Choose Trusted Security Apps: Some of these are Norton, Avast or Kaspersky and should always be downloaded to Protect Mobile from Fraud
  • Enable Real-Time Protection: Make sure that the security app is giving protection in real time and is frequently checking your phone against any threat.
  • Avoid Free, Unreliable Apps: It was said that security applications can be obtained for free but might not be enough to protect your Smartphone.

Step 4: be cautious with public Wi-Fi

However, Public Wi-Fi networks are so insecure that many fraudsters prefer using them to perpetrate their tricks.

  • Avoid Sensitive Transactions: Avoid using public Wi-Fi for any financial related issues or anything to do with sensitive data.
  • Use a VPN: The Virtual Private Network commonly known as VPN works in a way that it secures your connection with a coded channel.
  • Turn Off Auto-Connect: Turn off the Wi-Fi connect to network option so the device does not connect to various unknown networks.

Whereas the steps listed above can help the consumer protect themselves from phishing scams, it is essential to also be cautious about what you are clicking on.

Phishing is a type of scam that aims at getting users to divulge their information using fake emails, instant messages, or Web sites.

  • Verify the Source: Never reply to an email or a phone call claiming to originate from a company without first confirming the authenticity of the sender’s email address or phone number.
  • Look for Signs of Phishing: Scam texts need to be recognized to include those that look like they are from a friend, make the recipient feel rushed, or ask for personal details.
  • Use Anti-Phishing Tools: The protection measures that can be taken include; configuring your browser and security software to allow the anti-phishing tools.

Step 6: Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-Factor Authentication is an added security feature of the second factor where one is usually provided by the system and the other one he/she has to enter.

  • Set Up 2FA: Activate 2FA for as many accounts as possible where it can be turned on, like email, bank accounts, and social media.
  • Use Authentication Apps: For generating the 2FA codes, people should use the applications such as Google Authenticator or Authy.
  • Avoid SMS-Based 2FA: Even though it is better than nothing, still, the SMS-based 2FA is less secure compared to the app-based 2FA since the SIM swapping is possible.
How to Protect your Phone from Internet Fraudsters in Nigeria

Step 7: Keep an Eye on Your Financial Accounts

Another way to protect your phone from Internet fraudsters in Nigeria is the frequent check of financial accounts because in this case the fraud will be revealed immediately.

  • Check Bank Statements: Make it an often practice of checking your statements for any irregularity that may have been carried out by an unauthorized person.
  • Set Up Alerts: Make sure you are allowed to receive transaction alerts for your bank accounts and credit cards.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: Make sure to always notify your bank or any financial institution you belong to, of any such activities.

Step 8: Backup your data

Daily backups are of great importance so that, in the event that a phone is infected with a virus, one does not lose important information.

  • Use Cloud Services: Create and store copies of your data on the secure cloud services like Google Drive, iCloud, and OneDrive.
  • Enable Automatic Backups: Have the regular synchronization time on your phone for data backup at appropriate intervals.
  • Keep Offline Backups: Keep another copy of the information in an offline storage for enhanced security on an external hard drive.

Step 9: Secure Your SIM Card

You are also at risk of having fraudsters using SIM card vulnerabilities to penetrate and get control of your accounts.

  • Set a SIM PIN: Allow lock to your SIM card to avoid its usage by other people.
  • Be Cautious with SIM Swaps: Do not give information online that can be used to perform a SIM swap fraud.
  • Contact Your Carrier: In the case of such situations, always contact your carrier, assuming that the SIM card has been tampered with.

Step 10: Ensuring You Are Knowledgeable

Being aware as to the threat and precaution are very important in ensuring that your phone is not compromised.

  • Follow Trusted Sources: Subscribe to the cybersecurity blogs and news platform as well as the advisories.
  • Attend Workshops/Webinars: Attend webinars or workshops dealing with the cybersecurity issues affecting organizations to avoid falling into the same trap in future.
  • Share Knowledge: Inform the family and friends how important phone security is and some Nigerian mobile security tips.


Thus, it is essential to understand that preventing Internet fraudsters from exploiting your phone in Nigeria involves following several steps. Thus, using strong passwords together with biometrics, updating programs and operating systems, installing trusted protection tools, avoiding using free and unknown Wi-Fi, and being skeptical towards suspicious and suspicious email messages will help to minimize fraud effects. 

Furthermore, allowing two-factor authentication, the integration of accounts showing your financial situation, copying data, protecting your SIM card, and awareness are the measures that should be taken to protect your phone from Internet fraudsters in Nigeria. As you read this article, you are sure of a tricked out guide on how to secure smartphone in Nigeria and your valuable information from fraudsters.

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