Looking for means to salvage the ban on the sale of iPhone 16 in Indonesia, Apple has proposed to invest $10 Million in the country. Remember that this ban resulted from the failure to adhere to the local production rules of Indonesia that requires companies having 40% of their product resources from the country.

Its being rumored that Apple intends to invest in a factory located at Southeast of Jarkata, whose objectives would include producing accessories and components for the Apple gadgets. It is said that this proposal has been submitted to the Ministry of Industry Indonesia and if accepted will enable Apple sell its products again. However, It was reported by Bloomberg News that despite this proposal, the request remains under review by the industry.

Final Thoughts Apple’s Allocation
Apple’s $10 Million intended commitment to an Indonesian Factory represents a well calculated efforts to maintain its presence in a challenging market. Do you think this decision may set a precedent for how major tech players respond to shifting policies around the world? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section!